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Oracion para que tu amor te llame

cuenta atras 10- 9- 8- 7- 6- 5- 4- 3 - 2- 1………..y di:

Brujos y brujitas ayudenme a que R.E.S.no deje de pensar en mi, por medio de esta oración que yo, que me llamo G.V.M. sea la unica persona en su pensamiento que se duerma pensando y acordandose de mi, que me llame hoy y me pida que este con el para siempre.

Terner mucha fe y veran lo que ocurre al publicarla.

  Quiero recibir nuevas respuestas sobre éste tema por email


Respuestas recibidas: 24925
  • Daryl Dupree dice:

    Are rising business expenses and the cash flow roller coaster causing you stress? I can help, reply to me below and I’ll show you how

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    Suite C- 201
    Charleston, SC 29492
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  • Delores Lear dice:

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  • Hildegarde Dyason dice:

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  • Clayton Purvis dice:

    Is the thought of making payroll every two weeks causing you undue stress? Rising business expenses are starting to take a toll on small business owners. You are not alone. It’s affecting every industry. One way to give yourself some breathing room is to obtain enough working capital to bridge you through the tough times. Get a no obligation working capital quote in less than 2 minutes. *Sorry but right now I am only able to help US businesses* Send me an email here to find out more: [email protected]

    Elizabeth Miller
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    295 Seven Farms Drive
    Suite C- 201
    Charleston, SC 29492
    [email protected]

  • Phil Stewart dice:

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